The Enchanted April (and alone time)

I am always in awe of people that can enjoy doing things alone.

I enjoy alone time, but I enjoy it in my own house. I have never been someone that enjoyed the aloneness of a meal or a movie or a trip by myself. For those, I want someone with whom I can share the experience. Someone with whom I can look back and remember. In that regard, I completely comprehend Mrs. Arbuthnot when she ponders the same thing.

So I have always been awed by those that can embrace making memories with themselves.

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What some of our members said:

"I enjoy both. I have been able to do both and enjoy either being alone or with another. I find interesting things to do. I have spent much of my life on my own and so I had to either sit at home all the time or go out and eat and/or see a movie, go to a play, a concert, etc. I wouldn’t say I enjoyed the aloneness; rather, that I choose to go out among people and have experiences that I know I do enjoy even if I have to do it alone." -L

"I love doing things by myself! Going to the movies, on trips, to Disney, etc. I love being on my own schedule, enjoying what I like, eating what I want, and lingering someplace or leaving early when I am so moved. With that said, there are people I enjoy traveling and doing things with and I love those experiences, too. But I don't say no to an experience I want to enjoy just because there is no one available to join me." -M

"I have never had a problem with doing things alone, even from an earlier age before I married. Movies, eating out, etc. I had rather have someone with me if I travel (directionally challenged here)." -C